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​Good manners and Art of the Table

Le savoir-vivre à la française

  • What is the meaning of RSVP at the bottom of your invitation?

  • How should you dress appropriately for “Smart Casual”?

  • What are the rules of Greetings?

  • What glass should you use at the dinner table?


These are examples of rules and etiquette that we can help you acquire and be comfortable with.


The French savoir-vivre and etiquette is an absolute must when you meet diplomats, top executives and elites from all around the world. It is also a useful education tool to give to your children, people will compliment you on your kids wherever you go.


Ask us about our classes, corporate or individual, private or in small groups, adults or kids.

Sessions can be organized with a minimum of 2 persons, 1/2 day course

Taught by Professorolivier cane

Director & CEO of The French Academy

Graduated from kedge business school (2023 Shanghai ranking top 20 world business school)
Has taught over 200 highly ranked business executives in etiquette classes
over 20 years of experience
french expert in the good art of manners, etiquette and protocol

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